
{{ WMService.auctionStartDate(auction) | moment:'ddd' }}
{{ WMService.auctionStartDate(auction) | moment:'D' }}
{{ WMService.auctionStartDate(auction) | moment:'MMM' }}
{{ WMService.auctionEndDate(auction) | moment:'ddd' }}
{{ WMService.auctionEndDate(auction) | moment:'D' }}
{{ WMService.auctionEndDate(auction) | moment:'MMM' }}
{{ AMDate.time(WMService.auctionStartDate(auction), true) }}
{{ auction.location_name }}
{{ AMDate.time(WMService.auctionEndDate(auction), true) }}
{{viewVars.brand!='phillips'?('LIVE NOW!' | translate) :''}}

{{viewVars.lotsType=='bids'?'My Bids: ':''}}The Summer 2022 Global Showcase Auction - Session 4 - U.S. Currency - Lots 20001-20659

Auction Info
My Consignments
Registered | Paddle Number: {{WMService.auctionRegistration(auction).paddle}} Registration Pending Registration Declined
Session/Viewing Information
{{FilterService.queryInfo.total_num_results}} Lots
Active Filters
Returning {{FilterService.queryInfo.total_num_results}} lot{{FilterService.queryInfo.total_num_results!=1?'s':''}} Reset
No Filters
Showing all lots
  • {{FilterService.filters.temp.parent_category.name}}
  • {{category.name}}
  • {{FilterService.filters.temp.reserve_status}}
{{key|replace : '_': ' '}}
  • {{smart.name}}
Categories Reset
Reserve Reset
Coin Designation Reset
Coin Finish Reset
Coin Grade Reset
Coin Property Reset
Currency Denomination Reset
Currency Grade Reset
Bid Limit {{ ::WMService.auctionRegistration(viewVars.auction).max_spendable_limit | pricePctSafe }}
{{ auction.currency_sign}}
Spending Limit: {{WMService.auctionRegistration(auction).max_spendable|price:auction.currency_code}}
{{lot_count}} Watched Lots {{days!=0?(days+'d '):''}}{{(days != 0 || hours != 0)?(hours+'h '):''}}{{minutes}}m {{seconds}}s {{days!=0?(days+'d '):''}}{{(days != 0 || hours != 0)?(hours+'h '):''}}{{minutes}}m {{seconds}}s
({{numLotsInGroup(lots,group)}} Bids)
{{ LotService.lotStatusLabel(lot) | translate }} {{::lot.sold_price | price:lot.currency_code }} {{LotService.currentBid(lot).amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ "Loading. Please wait..." | translate }}


LOT {{lot.title}}

{{ LotService.isActive(lot, null)?'BIDDING':'You bid' }}
{{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage | price: lot.currency_code: 1: lot }}
{{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price: lot.currency_code: null: lot }}
My Proxy Bid {{ LotService.currentProxyBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code: null: lot }} My Proxy Bid {{ LotService.currentProxyBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | price: lot.currency_code: 1: lot }}
Current Bid {{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount_percentage | price:lot.currency_code: 1: lot }} ^ {{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }} ^ Opening Bid {{ LotService.currentMinBid(lot) | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }} ^
Reserve: {{lot.reserve_price| price: lot.currency_code: null: lot}} {{ lot.reserve_met==false?'(not met)':'' }}
Estimate: {{ lot.estimate_low ? (lot.estimate_low | price: lot.currency_code: null: lot):''}}{{ (lot.estimate_low && lot.estimate_high)?'-':'' }}{{ lot.estimate_high?(lot.estimate_high | price: lot.currency_code: null: lot ):''}}
My Proxy Bid {{ LotService.currentProxyBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code: null: lot }} My Proxy Bid {{ LotService.currentProxyBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | price: lot.currency_code: 1: lot }}
Bid Live {{ "Now!" | translate }}
{{ "Paused" | translate }}
{{ lot.auction.auction_type=='timed'?('Ended'|translate):('Passed'|translate) }}
{{ "Won" | translate }}
{{ "Purchased" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ "Lost" | translate }}
{{ "Sold" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }} {{ "You Bid" | translate }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage | bidPct) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | bidPct) }}
{{ "Sold" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ "You Bid" | translate }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage | bidPct) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | bidPct) }}
{{ "Withdrawn" | translate }}
Consigned Item
Bid Live {{ "Now!" | translate }}
{{ "Paused" | translate }}
{{ lot.auction.auction_type=='timed'?('Ended'|translate):('Passed'|translate) }}
{{ "Won" | translate }}
{{ "Purchased" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ "Lost" | translate }}
{{ "Sold" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }} {{ "You Bid" | translate }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage | bidPct) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | bidPct) }}
{{ "Sold" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ "You Bid" | translate }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage | bidPct) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | bidPct) }}
{{ "Withdrawn" | translate }}
Consigned Item
{{ LotService.isActive(lot, null)?'BIDDING':'You bid' }}
{{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
My Proxy Bid {{ LotService.currentProxyBid(lot).max_bid|price:lot.currency_code }}
Your Max Bid: Bidding {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount|price:lot.currency_code }} (Max: (Max:
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid|price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_title }}

{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_content }}
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid|price:lot.currency_code }}
) )
You bid 
{{LotService.currentBid(lot).amount|price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_title }}

{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_content }}
Outbid {{LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount|price:lot.currency_code }}
Your Max Bid:
Outbid {{LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ lot.currency_sign}}
({{ lot.web_module.buyersPremium | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }}{{ lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }} INCL BP)
({{ lot.web_module.buyersPremium | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }}{{ lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }} INCL BP)
Enter Proxy Bid:
{{ lot.currency_sign}}
({{ lot.web_module.buyersPremium | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }}{{ lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }} INCL BP)
Delete Bid?
Bid Live {{ "Now!" | translate }}
{{ "Paused" | translate }}
{{ lot.auction.auction_type=='timed'?('Ended'|translate):('Passed'|translate) }}
{{ "Won" | translate }}
{{ "Purchased" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ "Lost" | translate }}
{{ "Sold" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }} {{ "You Bid" | translate }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage | bidPct) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | bidPct) }}
{{ "Sold" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ "You Bid" | translate }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage | bidPct) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | bidPct) }}
{{ "Withdrawn" | translate }}
Consigned Item
{{ LotService.isActive(lot, null)?'BIDDING':'You bid' }}
{{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
My Proxy Bid {{ LotService.currentProxyBid(lot).max_bid|price:lot.currency_code }}
Your Max Bid: Bidding {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount|price:lot.currency_code }} (Max: (Max:
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid|price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_title }}

{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_content }}
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid|price:lot.currency_code }}
) )
You bid 
{{LotService.currentBid(lot).amount|price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_title }}

{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_content }}
Outbid {{LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount|price:lot.currency_code }}
Your Max Bid:
Outbid {{LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ lot.currency_sign}}
({{ lot.web_module.buyersPremium | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }}{{ lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }} INCL BP)
({{ lot.web_module.buyersPremium | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }}{{ lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }} INCL BP)
Enter Proxy Bid:
{{ lot.currency_sign}}
({{ lot.web_module.buyersPremium | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }}{{ lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }} INCL BP)
Delete Bid?
Bid Live {{ "Now!" | translate }}
{{ "Paused" | translate }}
{{ lot.auction.auction_type=='timed'?('Ended'|translate):('Passed'|translate) }}
{{ "Won" | translate }}
{{ "Purchased" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ "Lost" | translate }}
{{ "Sold" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }} {{ "You Bid" | translate }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage | bidPct) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | bidPct) }}
{{ "Sold" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ "You Bid" | translate }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage | bidPct) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | bidPct) }}
{{ "Withdrawn" | translate }}
Consigned Item
{{ LotService.isActive(lot, null)?'BIDDING':'You bid' }}
{{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
My Proxy Bid {{ LotService.currentProxyBid(lot).max_bid|price:lot.currency_code }}
Your Max Bid: Bidding {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price: lot.currency_code: null: lot }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage | price: lot.currency_code: 1: lot }} (Max: (Max:
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | price: lot.currency_code: 1: lot }} {{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code: null: lot }}

{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_title }}

{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_content }}
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code: null: lot }} {{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | price: lot.currency_code: 1: lot }}
) )
{{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount|price:lot.currency_code }}
Your Max Bid:
Outbid {{(LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code)}}
Outbid {{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | price:lot.currency_code:undefined:lot }}
{{ lot.currency_sign}}
% .00
({{ lot.web_module.buyersPremium | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }}{{ lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }} INCL BP)
({{ lot.web_module.buyersPremium | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }}{{ lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }} INCL BP)
Enter Proxy Bid:
{{ lot.currency_sign}}
% .00
({{ lot.web_module.buyersPremium | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }}{{ lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }} INCL BP)
Delete Bid?
Bid Live {{ "Now!" | translate }}
{{ "Paused" | translate }}
{{ lot.auction.auction_type=='timed'?('Ended'|translate):('Passed'|translate) }}
{{ "Won" | translate }}
{{ "Purchased" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ "Lost" | translate }}
{{ "Sold" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }} {{ "You Bid" | translate }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage | bidPct) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | bidPct) }}
{{ "Sold" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ "You Bid" | translate }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage | bidPct) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | bidPct) }}
{{ "Withdrawn" | translate }}
Consigned Item
{{ lot.commodity_type }}
{{days!=0?(days+'d '):''}}{{(days != 0 || hours != 0)?(hours+'h '):''}}{{minutes}}m {{seconds}}s left
If the ^ symbol appears next to a current bid, it means that a reserve bid or opening bid has been posted on this lot, but no bids have met or exceeded that amount.
{{ WMService.auctionStartDate(lot.auction) | moment:'ddd' }}
{{ WMService.auctionStartDate(lot.auction) | moment:'D' }}
{{ WMService.auctionStartDate(lot.auction) | moment:'MMM' }}
{{ WMService.auctionEndDate(lot.auction) | moment:'ddd' }}
{{ WMService.auctionEndDate(lot.auction) | moment:'D' }}
{{ WMService.auctionEndDate(lot.auction) | moment:'MMM' }}
{{ AMDate.time(WMService.auctionStartDate(lot.auction), true) }}
{{ lot.auction.location_name }}
{{ AMDate.time(WMService.auctionEndDate(lot.auction), true) }}
{{viewVars.brand!='phillips'?('LIVE NOW!' | translate) :''}}
{{ auction.auction_type == "timed"?"Timed":"Live" }} Auction Sale Total: {{auction.total_sold_value | currency:lot.auction.currency_code:0}}
{{ lot_count }} Lot{{ lot_count !== 1 ? 's' : '' }}
{{lot_count}} Watched Lots {{days!=0?(days+'d '):''}}{{(days != 0 || hours != 0)?(hours+'h '):''}}{{minutes}}m {{seconds}}s {{days!=0?(days+'d '):''}}{{(days != 0 || hours != 0)?(hours+'h '):''}}{{minutes}}m {{seconds}}s
{{ LotService.lotStatusLabel(lot) | translate }} {{::lot.sold_price | price:lot.currency_code }} {{LotService.currentBid(lot).amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ LotService.isActive(lot, null)?'BIDDING':'You bid' }}
{{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage | price: lot.currency_code: 1: lot }}
{{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price: lot.currency_code: null: lot }}
My Proxy Bid {{ LotService.currentProxyBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code: null: lot }} My Proxy Bid {{ LotService.currentProxyBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | price: lot.currency_code: 1: lot }}
Current Bid {{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount_percentage | price:lot.currency_code: 1: lot }} ^ {{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }} ^ Opening Bid {{ LotService.currentMinBid(lot) | price:lot.currency_code: null: lot }} ^
Reserve: {{lot.reserve_price| price: lot.currency_code: null: lot}} {{ lot.reserve_met==false?'(not met)':'' }}
Estimate: {{ lot.estimate_low ? (lot.estimate_low | price: lot.currency_code: null: lot):''}}{{ (lot.estimate_low && lot.estimate_high)?'-':'' }}{{ lot.estimate_high?(lot.estimate_high | price: lot.currency_code: null: lot ):''}}
My Proxy Bid {{ LotService.currentProxyBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code: null: lot }} My Proxy Bid {{ LotService.currentProxyBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | price: lot.currency_code: 1: lot }}
Bid Live {{ "Now!" | translate }}
{{ "Paused" | translate }}
{{ lot.auction.auction_type=='timed'?('Ended'|translate):('Passed'|translate) }}
{{ "Won" | translate }}
{{ "Purchased" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ "Lost" | translate }}
{{ "Sold" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }} {{ "You Bid" | translate }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage | bidPct) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | bidPct) }}
{{ "Sold" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot) | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot }}
{{ "You Bid" | translate }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price: lot.currency_code:2:lot) }} {{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage ? (LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount_percentage | bidPct) : (LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid_percentage | bidPct) }}
{{ "Withdrawn" | translate }}
Consigned Item
{{ LotService.isActive(lot, null)?'BIDDING':'You bid' }}
{{ LotService.currentLiveBid(lot).amount | price:lot.currency_code }}